Our class blog has moved
Due to some problems with Google our blog has move to http://englishwarren.blogspot.com/
This is your place for everything 9th grade English!
prompt: Free Write
WDJ: Abridge- to shorten
Grammar: Worksheet on Fragments
Frag-incomplete sentence
Tool Box: Foreshadowing- hints to upcoming events (list examples from horror movies)
Activity: Listen to Ibis (No interruptions)
prompt: What is the setting of Ibis? What is the mood? Give an example of foreshadowing from the first page.
WDJ: acclaim-applaud, great approval
Grammar: Write sentences on the board and label each part of speech.
Tool Box: Protagonist, Antagonist, Dynamic, Static (from Ibis)
Activity: Group Work on Ibis
Homework- study for short story test (give out study guide)
Film review
Find Examples of these terms in
Willy Wonka
I will be stopping the movie to point out terms
Test and Start Novel
Friday Character Projects
Poetry Starts Monday
1)In the pink poetry books read page 6 and complete the questions on page 7 with your assigned partner.
2) On your own read page 8 and answer the questions on page 9
Your answers must be in complete sentences, and all work is due by 9:30. If Mr. Brown is happy with your work. You may watch a movies and complete the movie assignment.