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Monday, February 22, 2010

Career Project Enhanced English I


Assignment One 20 points


Take notes on what you find. In your notes be sure to answer these questions.

What is the name of the career?

Describe the career. What do you do?

What is the average annual salary?

What the promotional opportunities?

Where is this career located?

What are the other interesting aspects of this career?

Assignment Two Draft Essay 20 points
Use each of the questions above as a paragraph in your career essay. Be sure to move smoothly from one idea to the next.


Assignment Three 20
Revise your essay from yesterday. Create a final draft. Print two copies of the essay. Give one to Mrs. Warren and keep one for yourself.

Power Point Presentation 20 points
Create a Power Point presentation on your career. Be sure to cover all the important ideas covered in your essay. Email a copy of your presentation to Mrs. Warren at mwarren@bcswan.net

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