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This is your place for everything 9th grade English!
prompt: Free Write
WDJ: Abridge- to shorten
Grammar: Worksheet on Fragments
Frag-incomplete sentence
Tool Box: Foreshadowing- hints to upcoming events (list examples from horror movies)
Activity: Listen to Ibis (No interruptions)
prompt: What is the setting of Ibis? What is the mood? Give an example of foreshadowing from the first page.
WDJ: acclaim-applaud, great approval
Grammar: Write sentences on the board and label each part of speech.
Tool Box: Protagonist, Antagonist, Dynamic, Static (from Ibis)
Activity: Group Work on Ibis
Homework- study for short story test (give out study guide)
Film review
Find Examples of these terms in
Willy Wonka
I will be stopping the movie to point out terms
Test and Start Novel
Friday Character Projects
Poetry Starts Monday
1)In the pink poetry books read page 6 and complete the questions on page 7 with your assigned partner.
2) On your own read page 8 and answer the questions on page 9
Your answers must be in complete sentences, and all work is due by 9:30. If Mr. Brown is happy with your work. You may watch a movies and complete the movie assignment.
First period will have character education lesson. Skip the lecture on nonfiction and go to the store. Talk about the ways to tell a good story and comparisons. They do not have to write summary
WDJ: zealous-ardently active, devoted, or diligent.
Grammar: Verb- a verb is an action anything you can do is called a verb.
Find the verbs
I spoke to your parents.
Please finish your homework.
Tool Box: Figurative language- comparisons. Language that is not meant to be taken literally.
She was as big as a house. She smelled like a dog. Her hair glowed like fire.
Review characteristics of nonfiction and fill out notes
-Beginning, middle, and end
-important details
-what the author learned about denial (help and hurt you)
-what is the value of this memoir why should other people hear it?
English I Complete summary on Birbiglia due Tuesday 30 points
prompt- What are some of the ways memoirs of others are important to the rest of us?
WDJ- disbelief in the existence or reality of a thing.
Grammar- Being verb- is a state of being. Being means the words be, been, being, is, are, was, were
Tool Box- Metaphor is a direct comparison
If dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly
Read My English Pages 107-114 due Friday with quiz
Memoir Draft Due Feb 12th
Prompt- What are some of the problems you are having coming up with an idea for your memoir?
WDJ: infer- to hint; imply; suggest.
grammar : Helping verb-when being verbs are next to action verbs they are called helping verbs. Helping verbs help complete the action. Be, been, being, is, are, was, were, had, been, might, do, did, does, shall, should, will, would, could
She is planning a surprise party.
Tool Box: Review Rhetorical devices and Plot- the events in a story
Memoir draft Feb 12th points 75 points
Final due Feb 18th
prompt: Free write and talk about memoirs
WDJ: critical-
Inclined to judge severely and find fault.
Grammar: define action and helping verbs (on note card)
Tool Box: Simile
Review Nonfiction and rhetorical devices
Activity: Read/listen to White House Dairy page 97 textbook and listen to online
Read My English Pages 107-114 due Friday with quiz
Memoir Draft Due Feb 12th
prompt: What is your writing process?
WDJ: arrogant- Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
Grammar: Nouns
Tool Box: Setting and features of nonfiction
Chart images, similes, nouns, and verbs in White House Dairy
Quiz on My English and Seminar on My English
Here is your file for your writing project. Please complete the six tasks and then print and turn in your work. Be sure once you open the writing project file to save it to your student directory. If you need any help opening or saving the assignment. Please let Mrs. Warren know.
We will use an EOC review guide to learn about the types of questions used on the EOC.