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This is your place for everything 9th grade English!
My name is Jeremy Shaw I was born March 18, 1994, at New Hanover Medical Center. I was 7 pounds. and 21 inches long. My father’s name is Willie and my mother’s name is Rosalyn. My mom’s pregnancy went well. After I was born, my mom’s blood pressure dropped very low because of the medicine that was given to her for pain after the delivery. The nurses kept her in the recovery room to monitor her and to call her doctor for another kind of medicine to help raise her blood pressure. My grandmother and father were in her room waiting on them to bring her in. I was already there. My dad ran quickly to check on her; he was nervously looking through the window. My mom said the nurses said, “Her husband is looking in, what we are going to tell him” They thought my mom was going to die, but she didn’t. The doctor told them what to give her and her pressure began to climb. So this problem wouldn’t happen again. So after me they didn’t what to have anymore babied’s my dad what’d 14 children? So now we have I have three brothers, Maurice, Bernard, and Victor. I also have two nieces, Angel and Asia (twins) who are four years old. They were always there for me when I needed it though all my life. After I was born everything went good until when I was two years old.
When I was two years old I had a fever. My mom gave me children’s Advil for the fever. In about half an hour my breathe left my body. My mom gave me CPR to bring me back, called the ambulance, gave direction, and they said they didn’t have an ambulance to send. My mom put me in the car with my three brothers. My dad was working. On highway 74-76 I lost my breath again, my brother Maurice did CPR and my mom continued to drive. It seems like she was going five hundred miles per hour. At the hospital the doctors asked my mom what she gave me. She said children’s Advil, the doctor told her to never give me that again, because I was allergic to children’s Advil. I and all my family members were happy that I was alright. When that was all over, after school I had to go to my grandmother house because my mom and dad had to go to work, I couldn’t stay home by myself. Ha-ha. My babysitter was my grandmother.
My grandmother’s name was Mama Nana, She is my baby sitter. I loved to stay at her house. She would take me to the park and let me play for hours, and then we would go back to her house and eat. She could cook anything. Her Kool-Aid was the best. She really knew how to make it taste good. When she became sick Mrs. Grace became my sitter. She was strict. My mom then took me to a day care. I rode in with her and she would pick me up after work. I liked daycare. But, I liked Mama Nana’s best. When I was five years old I went to Bolivia Elementary for five years. Those five years was the longest five years ever, but I got use to it in a few years. I was getting a hang of Bolivia elementary to. Then I went to Roger Bacon Academy for two years. We wore uniforms at that school. I liked Roger Bacon. The class rooms were small and I learned a lot. The school was different way different we had to wear uniforms that was a problem for me. I ask my mom could I switch school. I went to South Brunswick Middle School in 2005 my 6th grade year. The first year I went to South Brunswick Middle School I was a little bit happy because I wasn’t really getting a hang of the uniforms. That I had to wear in Roger Bacon Academy. When I went to south Brunswick middle school I got in a lot of fights that I won. I knew a few people I knew like 1 or 2 people there. Then I play football for pop Warner. I was nerves because this was my first time playing football for the Bulldogs but I got the hang of it.
We went undefeated we was too good that year. In 2006 I started 7th grade I knew everybody and everybody knew me. I got in two fights this year I won them to. This year I played football for the Bulldogs again and I started at DE I was good. This year we went 10-2 but that’s still good.
In 2007 my 8th grade year was challenging. But I over came that challenge, I put my head in the book instead of the games and TV I played it ever once and a while. I told my mom and dad that I was going to change my ways and not get in a lot of trouble anymore I had to stick with my word because I don’t lie I hate lies. That was one of my challenging moments, but I had to overcome it to get where I want to be. At first my grades was bad for the first 9 week then I started to study and study so I can past, that all work out like I wanted it to. Now I am a freshman at South Brunswick High and I am happy that I got out of 8th grade that was a challenge grade.
In 2008 my 9th grade year I know too much people. 9th grade is easy for me then 8th grade. And the teachers is not on your back when we a going to class. High school is a big different. This year I’m playing for the South Brunswick High cougars JV team and that going good so far for me. I’m glad that I didn’t get into any fights yet this year and not get sent to the office yet and not planning on going either. This is my memoir of my whole life, and I hope u enjoyed it.
Jeremy Shaw
Hey mrs. Warren this is Ashley Felker. I did the commas quiz and i made a 90% on it. [:
hey i did the first quiz this is what i made
Results: 9 Correct -- 4 Wrong -- 0 Skipped
Results: 12 Correct -- 1 Wrong -- 0 Skipped
hey mrs.warren its DJ here are my
Results: 10 Correct -- 3 Wrong -- 0Skipped
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