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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 13 Lesson Plans

Here are the assignments for week 13

Act 4 notes Due Thursday
Romeo and Juliet summaries
Act 5 questions due Monday (you can use these note on your test)
Romeo and Juliet Test Tuesday Nov. 25th
Notes for grammar on using the right word


Header said...

hey, mrs. Warren I found a Boo- Boo on the homework. it messed up the Juliet 'fake' dying scene. Its' scene 3 Question number 4. You have it saying that she drinks from the vial and gives the solilquy. But thats' not how it is in the play. She give the speech then she drinks the posion.

-Heather hewett-

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out what the mood is supposed to be in Scene 5 of Act 4.

Melissa Warren said...

Thanks Heather!

Melissa Warren said...

Chris dark, very sad. Death