Today due to some computer problems at work and my own stupidity, I deleted my school: docs, calendar, igoogle, and worst of all my classroom blog. I lost hundreds of documents, posts, research, and dates. For six months, I have been working daily on creating a completely digital classroom. I had recently completed this ambitious goals and today I lost hundreds of hours of work.
I am licking my wounds, picking up the scrapes, and starting again. It will take my months to recreate my work, but I am staring a new blog tonight for my students.
comment test
brittany evans,
mrs.warren i did the quiz on here, for extra credit!!! i might of did bad but.....
Results: 6 Correct -- 7 Wrong -- 0 Skipped
i cant get my google docs to share with you i dont know what is wrong with that stupid website!!!!!! i dont know if it is going to let you veiw it because it is being GAY!!!!
Kayla copy and paste it to an email or upload to an email as an attachment
ok well i did it and i really hopes it works.
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