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Friday, November 7, 2008

Romeo and Juliet Project

Here are the directions for your Romeo and Juliet group project. The project deals with current issues faces teens. The project is due Nov.18th. We will go to the computer lab Nov.10th and Nov.17th

Check out this scrap blog


samantha ! said...

hey mrs. warren, i have a question about the project.
it says the outline is due january 30 and 31st, but on the main page it says it is due in november.
so, is part of the project due in november and the rest in january, or was it a typo?
it kind of confused me, so i'm just wondering.
- samantha sasser.

Melissa Warren said...

It was a typo. I will fix it right now. The Nov. dates stand.

Anonymous said...

Hey ms warren, what do you need for the outline?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey mrs. warren!!! I'm confused. After you go on to the easybib.com thing-a-ma-jig, what do you do? I tried to go on it earlier today, but my partner deleted, and I forgot how to do it. Thanks!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For the above comment, I meant, "my partner deleted IT" sorry.

Anonymous said...

hi ms.warren i liked the romeo and julet projects i think we should do more of thoses sorry i didnt come to class friday i had to move all my stuff into my new house so i just wanted to tell you that those group projects are the best